While unique or challenging situations can be stressful, having access to experts or mentors that have got our back truly helps. At Headstrt, we are of the philosophy that everyone can share & learn when objectives & motivations are sufficiently objective & compelling. Empathy, Active Listening, Transparency & going above & beyond for an outcome are core to our value proposition and company values.
Headstrt Insights
Insights are the single biggest currency of success for the community at Headstrt. These are evergreen nuggets of wisdom that you can share with others to potentially guide them with their decision making or understanding in regards to your topic. Insights are:
Microscope: Helps people understand the "why" behind the situation
Lighthouse: Helps people find a clear way to the shore, circumventing troubles
Catalyst: Brings speed & confidence to other’s decision making
What Insights are not:
Observations: Which change based on scenario and information
Questions: Which may drive curiosity and would lead to an investigation
Suggestion: Which recommend users new things or potentially brings improvement
We want to drive our users to publish Insights that are:
Illuminating & constructive
Actionable for many
Informative yet short
And, We want our users to publish Insights without:
Any sensitive, classified or confidential information
Sullying, Swear or anything defamatory about any person, entity, place, group or belief
Please read our publishing guidelines for more context here.
Anatomy of a Headstrt Insight
Headstrt Insights will have just 3 core components, namely:
Title: A suitable heading for the Insight (Max 100 Characters)
Image/GIF: A suitable proof for the story you want to share
Body: The insight itself with some details and context. Remember this is how you will attract future business to your profile, so keep it enlightening and short