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  • Writer's pictureAbhishek Singh

Your newest Superpower: Network of Experts

Updated: Jul 24, 2020


Human beings have evolved over time in terms of taste, lifestyle, immunity, access, social reach, resourcefulness, intellect, and multiple other factors. In fact, it's our very ability to evolve and learn fast from each other that has helped survive & dominate other animal species. Human beings, as a species evolved from apes who would hunt animals for consumption to looking for houses, clothing, healthier food, tools to create a better life and also to protect ourselves.

Then came Electricity, Industrial revolution, Connectivity, better food, clothing & shelter and many belongings that come with it, Medication & Healthcare, Internet, Smartphones with Millions of apps and life continued to change for the better. Only now, it was faster and faster. While some might say all this development comes at a cost, I would argue that positives outsize the negatives for most of us. Certainly, it's a matter of perspective, and we respect contrasting view-points.

But if you observe closely, all this astounding progress over several centuries was only possible because most human beings believed to share resources and knowledge for the collective growth of the society. Our civilization prospered, and the single biggest ingredient of any invention and change was our very ability to share knowledge, research & "intel" with each other to build solutions around problems of society. Our ability to share wisdom to solve problems has unlimited potential and can help solve most, if not every single problem we face.

Just imagine, if this collective human intelligence could be used to solve problems each one of us, face in daily lives such as Health, Education, Wealth Growth, Investments, Relationships, Social wellbeing, Stress Management, Crisis Management, Career Growth, Business Growth, Immigration, Self-defence and thousands more. How much more empowered & connected we would feel if we had this super-power in our palm, anytime for everything? What if I tell you that this dream can turn into reality soon?

Stay Ahead with our Intelligence Marketplace

We are building a platform where users are empowered and laser-focused on just sharing Insights with the community. These Insights are organized in our ML-based knowledge graph from which other users can discover and be delivered Insights that matter the most to the problems they have at hand. Once you want to delve deeper with a particular Insight you can book a session with Insight owner, extract a lot more value from them, receive & share feedback, become a part of each other's curated "Sharing Wisdom" network.

We empower our users with recognition, gratification, solving other's problems, getting thorough feedback, getting Compensated for top performance, Safety & Security, connectedness & transparency. Users can partner:

  • When they want

  • Where they want

  • Whom they want

  • At the price they want

  • In the format they want

With Micro-Mentors that best align with the user's goal.

We are the first platform that enables users to grow, build and enrich from their personalized network of Micro-Mentors. So think of us as a platform that brings you a multitude of fresh curated insights and a network of unbiased experts who want to see you grow and grow with you!

We can't wait to have you on our network at and grow with you.

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