As human beings, each one of us has their own preferences and dislikes. We also have our zones of excitement and hesitation. One hesitation we spotted across many people was their inertia towards reaching out to experts or successful professionals for Insights or advice. While there is certainly nothing to be shy or ashamed about this lack of action, it does prevent us from making our lives more successful or solving new problems more fun. The opportunity to see the same problems or situations differently is special and comes with us being able to acknowledge different perspectives from other people. Think about how much mistakes, time & money we save by learning from other people's problems. In Addition, we also get exposed to many of the clever decisions they made, their network and possibly new friends too. Altogether, there is not much you are gaining, by not pursuing the above, rite? Then the question arises that why do so few people step up to taking guidance from others who are better experienced than them.
Based on our secondary & primary research, these are some legit considerations that come to our mind before we finalize working with experts or other successful people:
Expert-Search: How do I even discover and partner with this person who has got the skills and we can work out a convenient solution.
Skill-fit: What is their proof of expertise for the situation at hand and what Insights/Intel can they get on the table for me?
Investment & ROI: How much time, money & efforts I would have to put into this to have an impactful outcome, and what guidance/Insights could I reasonably expect from the other person?
Personality fit: Is their good fit b/w communication skills, personality & approach when it comes to communicating difficult scenarios. While an intelligent & capable mentor is a great value add, you don't want a poor mentorship experience that you don't want to repeat for yourself.
Past Reviews: How well has this expert or mentor done well in the past? Do I have clarity into how much his past mentees will endorse his or her for those mentorships?
Past Impact: Do I have an idea of what was the outcome they drove for their past mentees? What impact did that have on their situations?
Accountability & Outcome: Can this mentor take some accountability into my progress and guide me effectively into meeting my goals?
Trust & Safety: Can I ascertained that I would be working with someone cares for my growth and is well aligned with my outcome. If there is any mismatch, can I easily abort this session and get most of the money back?
Strategic benefits: Any possibility this person can make introductions for me to expose me to some more resources that I could benefit from?
What's in it for them: Very important, after all the mentors are making so many efforts and offering you their time that they could have utilized for a variety of so many things. Why would they be motivated to help me out and I am doing my bit to make sure that this partnership has been symbiotic and not a sour deal for them that they would not repeat itself. Here is more on why experts & successful professionals should consider offering guidance.

It's a long list of barriers that can & would stop you from seeking guidance even when you have the self-awareness to identify that there are competencies that are missing from your picture and an external person can fill in the gap. We understood this problem long back and ever since we have been hard at work, building Headstrt that will alleviate the vast majority of the above problems with the support of our community. We can't wait to see where you take your life ahead and how we could work as a team to make sharing wisdom easier.